When working on projects there is inevitably some waste paper. So we were delighted when our offcuts have been transformed into Fröebel Star Decorations (Fröebelstern) by two creatives in Malvern. Here they explain why they wanted to do work with us.
Where Did the Idea Come From?
We love upcycling and the idea of cradle to cradle manufacturing. Turning waste into a raw material is more energy efficient too. Our original christmas decoration idea involved using offcuts of baize. However we changed our mind when we discoved how to make Fröebel stars. So we started to scour the internet for print finishers. We found Card Couture after looking for an ethical print finisher, discovering them because they are passionate about cradle to cradle manufacturing too. As it turns out, when we made contact with them, they make a point of keeping their offcuts rather than send them to recycling.
To make Fröebel star decorations you need to use relatively long strips of paper, the more colourful it is the better. Card Couture had just what we required as a result of their judicious use of their guillotining process.
From Waste to Fröebel Star
We start by grading the paper as it comes in varying widths. Sometimes when paper stacks are trimmed the strips have a taper, so we have to make sure each strip has an even width, which is vital to ensure the star works out.
Once we have graded the pieces of paper and our cat has quality controlled the box of paper, we make sure the width and length of each strip is compatible.
The wider the strip of paper, the longer it needs to be to make a star. The joy of using upcycled paper offcuts, is that the widths of paper available are so variable, meaning the stars end up being different sizes once made.
On to a Christmas Tree
In Malvern we have a fantastic Organic and zero waste shop called Green Link, who have kindly agreed to stock them for us, so what was once waste can bring a bit of Christmas joy and cheer.
The Fröebel stars naturally make great tree decorations, but they’re also fantastic as table and window decorations too.